Saturday, August 25, 2012


This frequently happens to me:

I also tend to get looks of disapproval, head shaking, and beffuzlement. All from ignorant people who don't understand vegetarianism.

You're so young, how will you grow healthy and strong? You won't be getting your necessary nutrients and proteins!

While my blood usually boils to a 412 F lava pool when asked this question, I usually just nod politely, giggle, then try to change the subject.

Nobody has the right to tell me that my diet is unhealthy. Especially when the people telling me are fat and unhealthy themselves. It damn straight pisses me off!

Any vegetarian, especially a teen vegetarian like myself, knows how annoying people's opinions can be.

So to anyone curious out there, vegetarian or not, I would like to share with you where I get my protein.

Nuts/Nut Butters: I don't know if all ya'lls know this, but I am OBSESSED with nuts. Like fo realz.... peanuts and pistachios are my love. Sunflower seeds, brazilian nuts, almonds, soy nuts, walnuts, macadamia nuts, cashews, pecans... any sort of nut I will enjoy. I generally eat some sort of nut protein every day. Either a handful of pistachio nuts as a snack on the go, some almonds in my cereal, or a few tablespoons of peanut butter from the fridge. Ok... maybe I have more than a few tablespoons... try about 5. But still. In my personal food pyramid, nuts basically go right down at the bottom with fruits and veggies.

Greek Yogurt: Is it possible to overdose on greek yogurt? Yeah probably.. but what the heck, I'm young. I LOVE Chobani plain non-fat yogurt. While I know fats in yogurt are very healthy, I already get my fats from other sources (aka, all the nuts I eat), so I prefer the non-fat kind. I like putting a few plain Chobanis in the freezer, then pulling them out frozen, popping them in the microwave for exactly 28 seconds, and nomming on all that frozen goodness. A plain Chobani has 18 grams of protein. Thats crazy! I also eat basically all the other non-fat flavors, but plain is just nicer because I can mix lots of things in it. Like when I eat it not frozen, I throw in some walnuts and cinnamon, or some peanut butter and jelly... Yeah I know what you're thinking. But it's Yum! I eat yogurt any time of day: Breakfast with toast and peanut butter, as snack (frozen or unfrozen), with dinner, dessert (frozen). All day, errday.
Veggie burgers: While my parents aren't vegetarians, they do eat some of my vegetarian foods. I say some because my parents are most of the time repulsed by the vegetarian concoctions I make. Tofurky is not that gross I swear, is usually what I scream at my mom. Anywho, I eat veggie burgers at least twice a week with dinner or lunch. I like the brands like Dr. Praeger, Morning Star, Boca, and Garden Burger. I like to look for the patties that have the most protein. Morning Star spicy black bean flavor is mah fave.

(Although I eat a lot of veggie burgers, I try to stay far away from packaged foods! I'll do a separate post on that)
So these three things are the staples in my house. They are ALWAYS in my house. Always. 

My other sources of protein include:
Designer Whey Protein powder (I like chocolate the best)
Whole wheat breads/oatmeals

On a good day I would say I get anywhere between 35-55 grams of protein, without meat.

So there ya have it. May daily intake of protein. I'm always looking to try new things, so any foods you eat that aren't listed up hear, comment and tell me.

--Herbivore Emily

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