Saturday, September 29, 2012

Tips to Get More Sleep

Being teenager, it's really hard to catch some Zzzz's when I'm staying up late every night doing homework and waking up early every morning going to school.

I'm naturally a morning person, so the early wakeup doesn't bother me as much as some of my friends, but it's still brutal waking up at 6am 5 days a week.

And while there are some nights where I am legitimately staying up until 2am doing homework, there are some nights where I don't have any homework and just choose to stay up late on Facebook or tumblr.

Also, let's be honest: If I come home from school and know my only homework is to study for a test or read a few chapters from a book, I'll put it off until the very end of the night.

Yesterday, I had to read 3 chapters in the Scarlett Letter and I didn't start reading until 9:30pm. I'm  a moron for doing that because the reading took me an hour and a half.

So I went to bed at 11:15 when I could have been asleep by 9.

We teenagers need our sleep!
I'm 5'4'' and although my doctor and genetics tell me this is as tall as I'll ever grow, I'm determined to prove them wrong :) Sleep is the best way to grow, so if you're like me and want to gain a few centimeters, listen up!

I have a few go-to tricks that I use when I want to go to bed early.
Although sometimes it's hard to get sleepy early in the evening, sleeping is essential for our mental and physical health.
Teenagers should be getting between 9 and 10 hours of sleep every night.

Here it goes:
Tip #1: Turn off all televisions, computers, and music before you go to bed.

I know some people like to sleep with music on, but if you've been having trouble falling alseep, try keeping your room quiet. I know for myself, I can't be on my laptop on before I go to bed because  my mind is still wired when I'm trying to fall asleep. Keeping all electronics off before bed will allow your mind to settle and relax.

Tip #2: Keep your bedroom dark. 

I know if you share your bedroom this may be difficult, but try to keep your room as dark as possible when you sleep. Put shades on your windows, shut your door, and turn your clock to face the wall. (Some people may like eye masks, but I think they're uncomfortable) When there's light in your room, it tricks your brain into thinking it's morning and you'll wake up earlier and won't go into a deep enough sleep cycle. 

Tip #3: Take a warm bath or shower before bedtime.

Sometimes just the warm water can relax and calm your nerves. I find it incredibly soothing to take a warm bath before bed. It makes me so tired I practically fall asleep in the tub!

Tip #4: Stretch before bed.

Sometimes the reason teens can't fall asleep right away is because all of the stress we have! Doing some simple leg stretches (or even some yoga if you're feeling adventurous), can slow down the crazy thoughts bouncing around your brain.

Tip #5: Eat high carb snacks or drink milk before bed.

High carb snacks like pretzels, bread, some cereal, and even a little bit of fruit have been shown to help aid in a person's ability to fall asleep.
Milk is also good to drink before bed because it contains tryptophan, an amino acid proven to make people sleepy.

Tip #6: Read before bed.

One of my new school year resolutions has been to read more often. So this tip I have actually been putting to good use! Reading a book  under my night light right before bed makes falling asleep easier because my mind gets relaxed and emptied. 

So these are the 6 tips that I usually turn to when I need to fall asleep.
Sleep is important for teen health, and I know that we rarely get the recommended amount of 9 to 10 hours. On average I fall asleep at like 11 and wake up at 6. And to my surprise, my 7 hours of sleep is the most out of all of my friends'. One of my friends says she gets about 4 hours of sleep a night. I don't know how she functions and still manages to get good grades in school!

Anyone else have any other tips or stories to share?

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