Saturday, September 22, 2012

Societal Pressures

I really hate society and how it has warped our minds and opinions.
50 years ago, a woman with hips and breasts and a butt was considered attractive. A sex symbol.

Now all she's considered is fat.

No matter how healthy she is, how many vegetables she eats, or nutrients she absorbs, if her thighs touch or she has broad shoulders, people will judge her.

I really just hate society's views on what makes a woman beautiful.

I was just sitting with my dad on the couch, and a news woman was on the television, and he has the nerve to say, "Oh my god, look at that beast." And this isn't the first time he's done that. He criticizes every woman he sees on television.

He calls them fat, he calls them ugly, "beast", "man", "fatty", he says it all. And it makes me so upset that I just want to run out of the room and cry. (Like I'm doing right now in my bedroom).

It's people like him in society who make girls like me feel self-conscious all the time.
Does she look happy? Why do we
 constantly compare ourselves
 to people like her? Happy people are the
 most beautiful people
Even if I'm healthy, I look in the mirror a lot of days and I say to myself, I'm so fat, I need to lose weight. Why am I eating so much? Why can't I be skinner?

It makes me so unbelievable depressed and frustrated, I don't even know how to handle my emotions.

Every magazine cover, picture on tumblr, and character on television is skinny and beautiful.
Well that's just not fair! What about the other billion women in the world who are healthy and not thin as twigs?

Although I am a victim of succumbing to societal pressures--I too have gone on diets, restricted my eating, critized my body, not loved myself--I just want to say:

Society can go fuck itself. And people like my dad too..

It's a goddam struggle to  overcome judgements from other people, and it's a battle that I am dealing with every day. But I just wanted to say that every woman is beautiful. Yeah it's really cheesy, but it needs to be said.

We are all beautiful. And if you, yes you, are not a size 00 and can't fit into your jeans from 6th grade... well good! Because you're not supposed to be able to.
It's not fair that teenagers like me have to deal with all of the societal pressures to look like twigs. 

I suffer from it, I am aware. But I know that I will overcome this sick, twisted mindset of what is beautiful. 

Some people were just born to me slim and have skinny frames. Lucky them! All power to 'em. But the majority of women were not born to be really skinny and tall. So we can't be comparing ourselves to anorexic models on magazines. 

Yeah, I do it. I'll admit it! But I'm trying to stop.

And we need to stop letting jerks (like my dad) dictate the way we perceive beauty. 
We are all beautiful.
No matter what size you are, if you are eating healthy and exercising regularly then you are being healthy

Anyone else ever get fed up with what society thinks women should look like?

--Frustrated and Confused, Emily

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