I love reading other people's cooking blogs because I like looking at all of their food creations.
For me, it's relaxing to scroll through someone's recipes, look at their creative dishes, and let my mouth water at all of their food pictures.
So today was just a lazy Sunday. Last night I was out late and this morning I woke up feeling tired and cranky. I whipped up some eggs for breakfast for my parents and myself, then lounged around and ate an apple and cereal at around 11am, then had a 2% Fage plain yogurt with flaxseeds and peanut butter for lunch around 1:30pm. (Homemade peanut butter obvi... theres just no other way!)
All day I have been meandering around, knowing I should be doing school work, but instead just staring at all of the different cooking blogs online.
In fact, I have a googledocs page just shared with myself where I keep a list of all of the cooking blogs I like to drool over. To say the least, today has been incredibly unproductive.
Well anyways, after looking at delicious recipes for long enough, I decided I wanted to hit the kitch and whip up something of my own.
I have been dying to make my own homemade crackers recently. I'm on this new "zero waste" kick where I abstaining from buying packaged products and foods.
All of that plastic does is sit in a landfill for 20 years! So I've been interested in making my own cracker recipe to avoid buying packaged bags of crackers... and also just because homemade stuff is always healthier!
Well, it turned out to be a complete fail.
The crackers stuck onto my parchment paper and wouldn't peel off after I was done baking! I was left with a crumbly, crackery mess.
But do not fret, I will most definitely be retrying this recipe until I get it perfect! Then I will share it with you all.
In the mean time I wanted to update everyone on my life briefly. If you are simply only hear to read about health, cooking, and fitness, feel free to leave this blog now. I will not be offended.
Well so recently I have been very stressed. School work, college application deadlines, friend issues, and family bonding all seem to be really stressing me out. I feel like I have a million pounds on my shoulders and every day I'm getting weighed down more and more!
I keep saying to myself, "once I get into college I'll be less stressed" but then I keep realizing that that could be another 7 months away. Ugh
At least I know my viewers are always here for me! Thanks everyone, you are all so supportive.
I just wanted to say I love you :)
For questions you would like me to answer, recipes you would like me to try, or any life advice you want me to give, please comment or send me an email at foodfitnut@gmail.com
Thanks everyone!
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